Refrigeration Laboratory

The focus of the refrigeration lab at is to aid the refrigeration and air-conditioning industry in the transition from CFC-11, CFC-12 and HCFC-22 to new, environmentally acceptable refrigerants.

The refrigeration lab is concentrating on obtaining fundamental data for all new refrigerants, including property data, heat transfer data, material compatibilities and solubility with lubricants. The refrigeration lab at K-State was initially founded by Dr. Niam Azer. Previous work done in this lab focused on the condensation characteristics of various refrigerants. Numerous condensation projects have been completed in areas such as heat transfer and pressure drop measurement, flow patterns, effect of lubricants, and correlations development.


52 Durland Hall

  • Two-Phase flow test facility
  • Ammonia Refrigeration Test Facility
  • Dupont funded study on two-phase flow of Binary Refrigerant Blends.
  • ASHRAE funded study on two-phase flow of ternary refrigerant blends.
  • ASHRAE funded project on in-tube evaporation of ammonia.