NE 696: Nuclear Systems Design

Instructor: J. K. Shultis, Office WD-125, (913) 532-5626; e-mail

Text: Hetrick, D.L., Dynamics of Nuclear Reactors, Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL 1971. This book is now available from the American Nuclear Society.

Prerequisites: (1) Basic nuclear science including radioactivity, neutron interactions, and reaction kinematics. (2) Mathematical analysis through solutions to ordinary differential equations. (3) Reactor statics and neutron diffusion theory.


1. Dynamics of reactors without delayed neutrons (1 hour)

2. Delayed neutrons.  Properties and importance (2 hours)

3. Point reactor kinetics equation without feedback.  Derivation of PRKE; alternate forms of PRKE; inverse method of solution--importance for safety analyses; review of Fourier and Laplace transforms; solution for step input; the inhour equation; reactivity and reactor period (7 hours)

4. Linearized Point Reactor Kinetics Equation.  Linearization of kinetic equations; Laplace transform solution of linearized PRKE; response to sinusoidal, step, and impulse reactivity inputs; transfer function and Bode plots; generalization to any linear system (6 hours)

5. Feedback and subsystem description.  Feedback mechanisms and representation by subsystems subsystem descriptions; combining subsystems in the t-domain and s-domain; importance of transfer functions; reactor feedback and generalized linear functional approach; reactor transfer function with feedback (6 hours)

6. Design and analysis of stable linear systems.  Stability definitions and relation to system transfer function; Routhe-Hurwitz and Routhe analytical stability methods; Pontryagin's analytical stability method; Root locus graphical method; Nyquist graphical method (12 hours)

7. Design of stable nuclear reactors.  One-temperature feedback model; dual temperature feedback models; fission product poison feedback; poison plus temperature feedback; xenon spatial oscillations; large core and coupling coefficients (8 hours)

Homework and Exams: The will be a midterm and a final exam. Homework assignments will be given every two weeks. Although I encourage you to work together on the homework, individual effort is required for homework writeups. A professional homework writeup is expected.